Beyond Right and Wrong: The Art of Inclusive Conversations at Work
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, the words of the 13th-century poet Rumi still resonate profoundly: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” These words serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of creating a space where all voices can be heard, a space where nuance, tolerance, respect, and acceptance flourish.
In today’s diverse and dynamic work environments, embracing the “field beyond right-doing and wrong-doing” has never been more crucial. It is in this metaphorical field that the seeds of innovation, collaboration, and understanding are sown. It’s a space where the richness of diverse perspectives and lived experiences not only enriches our workplace culture but also propels us forward as a collective force.
Diversity as Enrichment, Not Division
In the pursuit of fostering inclusive workplaces, we often hear the term ‘diversity’ being championed. While diversity is undoubtedly a fundamental aspect, it is not the mere coexistence of different individuals that makes a difference; it’s the interplay of these differences that truly counts.
When we focus solely on division, differences, and polarities, we inadvertently create silos where people become entrenched in their viewpoints, unable to see beyond their immediate perspective. This siloed approach stifles creativity, innovation, and collaboration. In contrast, when we recognize the beauty of nuance, the power of tolerance, and the value of embracing diversity in thoughts and ideas, we create an environment where people can thrive together.
Meeting in the Middle
At the heart of this endeavour lies the invitation to meet in the middle. It’s an invitation to rediscover and realign with what truly matters to us as individuals and as a team. It’s about exploring our shared values and common goals, all while acknowledging and respecting the differences that make us unique.
When we meet in the middle, we embark on a journey of discovery, where conversations become bridges, not barriers. It’s a journey that leads to the “field” Rumi spoke of – a space where connections are forged and understanding blossoms.
Psychological Safety: More Than Just Belonging
Creating this “field” goes hand in hand with establishing psychological safety in our workplaces. It’s not just about feeling like you belong; it’s also about being heard and knowing that your voice matters. It’s about fostering an environment where all team members feel safe to share their views, perspectives, and concerns.
Psychological safety is the cornerstone upon which genuine connections are built. When people feel safe to speak up, they become more engaged, innovative, and committed to the shared goals of the organization. And it all starts with conversations.
One Conversation at a Time
In our fast-paced work environments, it’s easy to overlook the power of one conversation. Yet, it’s often through these seemingly ordinary interactions that genuine connections are forged, perspectives are broadened, and new ideas take root.
So, the next time you find yourself at the table with your colleagues, remember the “field” beyond right-doing and wrong-doing. Let go of judgment and an impulse to self-censor. Instead, embrace curiosity and the diversity of thought and experience and encourage others to do the same. Listen actively, speak honestly, and foster an atmosphere where every voice is valued.
In conclusion, Rumi’s timeless wisdom reminds us that in transcending the boundaries of right-doing and wrongdoing we discover a world full of possibilities. Let’s bring this wisdom into our workplaces, where we can meet in the middle, rediscover our shared values, and create a culture of psychological safety and genuine connection. In this space, remarkable possibilities emerge – one conversation at a time.
Interested in learning additional ways to “meet in the middle” with those you live and work with? Connect with Sara.