Resiliency and Psychological Safety Training

Supporting health and mental well-being

As organizations face unprecedented challenges, the well-being of your team members is more critical than ever. The cumulative effects of uncertainty, loss of control, workplace stressors, and staff changes have led to compassion fatigue, burnout, and exhaustion reaching all-time highs. Many leaders are seeking innovative ways to reinvigorate their teams, foster personal resilience, and enhance overall health and well-being.

Our evidence-based and immersive training programs offer the solution you’re looking for. By prioritizing psychological safety in the workplace, we foster trust, enable action, and empower individuals and organizations to thrive.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Comprehensive Approach: We understand that personal resiliency is vital, but true well-being requires strong human connections. Our programs focus on fostering psychological safety and creating a supportive environment for your team.
  2. Proven Results: Our training has a track record of transforming organizations and improving the overall health and well-being of their team members.
  3. Flexible Delivery: All sessions can be conducted online or in person, catering to your organization’s unique needs and preferences.

Key Training Areas:

  • Psychological Safety: Unleashing the power of connection, compassion, curiosity, and trust within your organization.
  • Resilience Building: Equipping your team with the skills to handle stress, uncertainty, and navigate change effectively.
  • Team Empowerment: Enhancing collaboration, fostering trust, and bolstering engagement for increased productivity.

The following offers a sneak peek at our training programs. These programs have a proven track record of assisting organizations and their team members to improve their overall health and well-being, enhance resilience, and create a psychologically safe workplace. All sessions can be delivered online or in person.

Resiliency, Psychological Safety, and Mental Well-being Training Samples

We are proud to provide content-rich and highly interactive live and virtual sessions to support the overall health and mental well-being of teams of people.  The sessions are designed to impart concrete strategies designed to enhance resiliency, maintain perspective, improve coping skills, foster psychological safety, and enhance overall health.

Training Session Objectives

All sessions are designed to meet the following objectives:

  • To promote the health and resiliency of all team members by providing training to increase awareness and improve overall health and well-being
  • To focus on proactive tools and strategies designed to enhance resiliency, improve mental well-being, and foster psychological safety
  • To provide additional skills to team members to better manage stress, and to mitigate and prevent mental, emotional, and physical health injuries.
  • To uplift and empower participants to take control of their overall health and well-being

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or contact Sara today.

Many professionals, in a variety of workplaces, are reporting that the cumulative washout effects of uncertainty, loss of control, immense organizational shifts, and staff changes have helped drive burnout and exhaustion to an all-time high. As organizations are re-emerging in a post-pandemic world many are looking for new ways to reinvigorate their teams, foster resilience, and enhance psychological safety in their workplaces. This 3-hour session is well- suited for leaders as well as for the entire team.

Session Highlights:

  • Discover the key fundamentals of psychological safety
  • Gain simple, easy, and practical strategies that foster psychological safety
  • Explore and have fun “test-drivingffective communication strategies including respectful discourse and handling diverse viewpoints
  • Employ supportive listening and the power of questions to foster trust and build connection
  • Explore creative ways that foster respect and rapport

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

In the fast-paced and demanding world of local government, personal resilience is crucial for achieving success, navigating challenges, and maintaining well-being. This highly interactive 90-minute session is designed to equip you with tools and strategies that will assist you to navigate the challenges of leadership with mental and emotional strength. Drawing from her extensive experience both as a leader and as a professional coach who supports leaders, Sara will impart insights and practical wisdom to the front lines of leadership. You will discover simple, easy, and effective strategies designed to bolster your personal resilience, nurture your mental and emotional well-being, and empower you to thrive amidst adversity.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn proactive techniques for managing stress and fostering well-being
  • Gain concrete strategies to assist with digesting and processing stressful situations/events
  • Explore everyday ways to give their brain a break
  • Discover effective tools to maintain perspective in uncertain and stressful times

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to communicate effectively and provide genuine support is essential for building strong relationships personally and professionally. In this 3-hour training session, you will discover communication strategies that foster understanding, empathy, and growth. This session is well-suited for leaders and those in supervisory or support roles.

Session Highlights:

  • Learn the three levels of listening
  • Discover techniques to show your full presence and attention during conversations
  • Explore ways to acknowledge emotions without judgment and provide a safe space for sharing
  • Uncover the power of well-crafted questions that promote trust, connection, and meaningful dialogue
  • Acquire strategies to navigate difficult conversations and resolve conflicts constructively
  • Discover techniques to address disagreements while preserving relationships, and finding common ground

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Think of your well-being as a house with four rooms: a room for mental well-being; emotional well-being; physical well-being; and spiritual well-being. It is important to regularly spend time in each of these rooms (even if it is to simply open a window) as each are important for overall health. If you spend too much time in one room, the others become neglected. All the rooms need attention and upkeep.

In this sessions participants will:

  • Take an inventory on their current state of health and well-being
  • Learn how a holistic approach is key to maintaining well-being
  • Discover easy to use and concrete strategies that foster well-being
  • Create a personalized roadmap for improving overall health and well-being

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Change is life’s one constant. Empower yourself with the tools to navigate life’s challenges and cultivate lasting well-being and discover strategies to build inner strength, manage stress, and foster a resilient mindset. This 3-hour session is recommended for the whole team!

Session Highlights:

  • Build skills related to navigating change and maintaining perspective in uncertain and stressful times
  • Increase awareness and learn strategies for overcoming self-defeating patterns and negative thinking
  • Learn proactive techniques for managing stress and fostering well-being
  • Gain concrete strategies to assist with digesting and processing stressful situations/events
  • Explore everyday mindfulness ways to give their brain a break
  • Deepen their understanding of how important modeling the way for others is as it pertains to resilience

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Delve into the intricate balance between artful expression and scientific understanding, honing your ability to connect with others, foster trust, and positively influence others. This is a terrific opportunity to refine your communication skills and elevate your interactions both personally and professionally. This 3-hour session is recommended for the whole team!

Session Highlights:

  • Have increased self-awareness of their communication style and patterns
  • Gain skills to foster trust, connection, and rapport while enhancing communication skills
  • Understand the key principles on how to have a conversation that brings out the best in themselves and others
  • Learn how to be a flexible thinker and communicator
  • Gain strategies to engage differing viewpoints and perspectives

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Participants will:

  • Learn to spot the sneaky ways your inner critic ‘shows up’ in your thinking
  • Discover the common thought traps that can get us ‘stuck’
  • Gain concrete strategies to create a more supportive and compassionate mindset (aka how to talk to yourself kindly)
  • Explore effective tips for shifting their mindset when they notice themselves getting stuck in a ‘rut’

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Seeing the bigger picture can improve our ability to navigate our short-term challenges, be more effective problem-solvers, keep us focused, and maintain perspective.

In this session, participants will:

  • Discover the core components of strategic “big picture” thinking
  • Gain practical tips to expand the way that they think
  • Explore effective techniques to assist with navigating change
  • Uncover techniques to help others see the big picture too

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

In this session participants will:

  • Gain simple, easy, and practical strategies to navigate negativity and challenging interactions with others
  • Learn tools to help shift the conversation to one that is more productive and positive
  • Discover ways to stay sane and positive no matter who is around

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Participants will:

  • Understand the stress response and its impact on health and wellbeing
  • Learn how to control and easily shift out of the stress response
  • Test-drive a variety of strategies to do just that
  • Learn ways to incorporate ‘5-minute brain breaks’ throughout the day

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

Participants will:

  • Discover the power of perspective and how the meaning we attach to the events in our lives shapes and creates our reality
  • Gain two powerful perspective-shifting tools
  • Build skills related to navigating change and maintaining perspective in uncertain times

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

The death knell to creativity, solution finding, and progress in any organization is “But we have always done it that way.” Break out of the old, outdated patterns and the doldrums of sameness that may be keeping your team stuck and open yourself up to a new ways to innovate and create.

During this collaborative team session, participants will:

  • Unearth how to harness their neurophysiology to become creative thinkers and pioneers of innovative solutions.
  • Navigate through common mental barriers that stifle creative thought and limit innovative solution discovery.
  • Engage in hands-on exploration of tools and strategies tailored to your current or past workplace projects. These techniques are designed to spark new possibilities, alternative approaches, and unexplored opportunities.
  • Foster team collaboration, building upon the collective creativity and fueling innovation that transcends boundaries.

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

“Sara is a leading expert in psychological safety, offering invaluable tools and strategies for leaders and teams. Her insights and expertise on creating a psychologically safe workplace were truly enlightening and have left a lasting impression on all of us. The practical strategies and real-world examples Sara shared provided invaluable guidance that we can implement in our own workplaces. Her passion for creating supportive and thriving environments was evident and resonated deeply with the audience.”

“Working with Sara Wegwitz is a joy, and the enthusiasm she has for her work is infectious. Her sessions fostered open communication, improved meeting quality, and a renewed sense of cohesion within our team.”

Sara’s presentation on fostering psychological safety was excellent!  Sara clearly is passionate about making great places to work and an expert in creating the conditions needed to achieve that.

“Sara’s high quality and interactive employee wellness sessions have been instrumental in building staff confidence and resilience during this difficult time. The District and staff are so grateful to have had the support of Sara.”

“Your enthusiasm for what you do is amazing and it makes it so much easier for us to learn. The activities were awesome – there’s nothing better than “learning by doing”.

Thank you so much for your outstanding webinars. You are wonderful, and a wealth of knowledge and support. Everything you talked about has helped me immensely.

Sara was wonderful! Very well spoken, knowledgeable, knows how to keep you interested in the topic at hand. 45 min wasn’t enough, I would have loved to have a longer session with her.

I’ve been attending your fantastic wellness sessions during this time of crisis. The skills that I have learned throughout the series have positively impacted my life in so many ways. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from you and integrate these skills moving forward.”

“Outstanding, informative, and engaging! I have loved each one of your sessions. The strategies that I have gained have yielded positive results in all areas of my life!”

“You are awesome! Thank you Sara for the great webinar last night. I got a tremendous amount of information and tools to move forward. Had my first brain break today and it was terrific.”

Training for First Responders

The greatest threat to the health and wellbeing of first responders is stress. Stress is at the root of most, if not all chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, etc. In order to build the necessary health and resilience, and to assist with managing stress through proactive activities, mental fitness training is critical for first responders. It enhances their ability to handle the mental and emotional demands of the profession.

Regardless of where a first responder is at in their career whether first-year or veteran, or what their current health status is, there are things they can start doing today to build their mental fitness and enhance their resiliency.  Those who consistently practice taking control of how they think, feel, and act will experience an improved outlook, have better coping skills, and will ultimately reduce their chances of experiencing mental, emotional, and physical injuries.

The following outlines Tailor Making Health’s flagship mental fitness and resiliency training programs offered for first responders.

Three hours of on-site training where first responders will be introduced to the core fundamentals of Mental Fitness.

Participation in this session provides the foundation for “Mind Mastery for First Responders: Mental Fitness and Resiliency Training for High Performance and Improved Health and Wellbeing”

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discover the core drivers that impact the way we interpret our outside world
  • Understand how our psychology (how we think) constantly “infects and affects” our physiology and vice versa
  • Gain easy-to-use cross contextual (can be used in any role in life) tools and strategies to easily overcome any challenge, build resiliency, and navigate change
  • Discover the core fundamentals for mental fitness and resiliency in firefighting

This session provides a low-cost and high-value opportunity for firefighters to be introduced to Tailor Making Health’s content and training format. All participants will take away strategies that they can immediately apply to their life both on and off their job.

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

“This Intro to Mental Fitness session literally saved my life and couldn’t have come at a more pivotal time.” – RCMP officer

18-hours of onsite immersion training where first responders will receive comprehensive proactive training and skill development in mental fitness and resiliency to foster mental preparedness on and off the job. In addition, skills to build leadership, improve communication, create health changes, and foster team cohesion will be provided

Learning Outcomes:

  • Improve outlook and performance
  • Overcome negative thinking and self-defeating patterns
  • Enhance personal ownership and accountability
  • Improve communication and leadership skills
  • Learn how to re-frame and process incidents
  • Gain strategies to effectively manage your state (emotions) and decrease stress

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

“This Mind Mastery program has and continues to be a lifeline for me and so many others in the department.” – Esquimalt Firefighter

In this highly interactive “roll up your sleeves” 3-hour session participants will:

  • Understand how the unique stressors acting upon first responders and maladaptation to stress impact their overall health and wellbeing
  • Discover first responder-specific ways to eat, move, sleep, and think for optimum performance and health both in the short and long term
  • Increase self-awareness and ownership for one’s own health and wellbeing
  • Gain simple, easy, and practical ways to immediately begin to improve health

To learn more about our popular online and in-person training sessions, book a meeting with Sara Wegwitz, call 250-744-4770 or email today.

“I just wanted to drop you a quick note and thank you for your presentation on “Building and Maintaining a Healthy and Resilient Firefighter”. You know your audience and know how to be patient and engage our group. You handle the dynamics so well and can engage the group and “manage” our “jocularity”. I personally feel like I am always able to have take-a-ways from your talks. Thank you for caring and offering your support, I really appreciate it!” – City of Victoria, firefighter

“Sara is a standout professional in her field of resiliency training and health and wellness program development. I highly recommend Sara to any organization that is looking to empower their teams of people with practical and concrete training to help them navigate any challenge, improve overall health and wellbeing, and take business operations to the next level.”

“Sara Wegwitz, has designed, coordinated and delivered the Health and Wellness Program for the Oak Bay Fire Department for several years. Her program has resulted in significant improvements to our team’s overall health and wellbeing in the three areas of mind, body, and spirit. Sara continues to be an indispensable resource for the health and wellbeing of our team here at the Oak Bay Fire Department and I would recommend her and her company to any organization that is looking to improve the overall health, wellness, and resiliency of their people.”

“Sara’s training program “Intro to Mental Fitness” literally saved my life. I am forever grateful that I was able to attend this training session.”

“The lessons on how to communicate better and to use specific tools on a day-to-day basis has significantly helped me and it’s helped my relationship with my ex-wife tremendously. The stress I no longer hold is measurable in my daily mood.”

“I just wanted to drop you a quick note and thank you for your presentation on “Building and Maintaining a Healthy and Resilient Firefighter”. You definitely know your audience and know how to be patient and engage our group. You handle the dynamics so well and are able to engage the group and “manage” our “jocularity”. I personally feel like I am always able to have take-a-ways from your talks.”